
Why does it interest you should it interest people beyond


In this fourth of six presentations you will be making during the course, you will need to achieve five key objectives to be successful:

• You must demonstrate an awareness of your chosen topic and be able to explain it to the class

• You must demonstrate your comprehension of the issue presented in the article you select and explain the issue effectively to the class and to the instructor (via the presentation and summary)

• You must engage in additional, college-level research to enhance your comprehension of the issues being discussed

• You must explore multimedia sources and effectively select supplementary material

• You must demonstrate effective listening skills and a lack of ego as you offer peer feedforward to others on their presentations as well as receive peer feedforward on your own

There are 5 components to Presentation. All components must be fulfilled to receive any credit for the assignment.

1. Using your NYTIMES.COM subscription, research and locate another article pertaining to your chosen topic in the course. Be creative in your searching, and find one that truly interests you. DO NOT choose the same article that a friend chooses. Save an electronic copy of the article. You will need to turn it in with...

2. Using ASU Libraries databases, locate two more articles on this topic. Supplement your knowledge on the issues presented in the Times article by locating two more articles and using the information in these articles to enhance your understanding and comprehension of the issues you are discussing. You must use different articles than you have used in previous weeks. Save electronic copies of both articles. Along with your NY Times article, you will need to upload it to Blackboard with...

3. Write an approximately 500 word summary about the articles. What is/are the issue(s) at stake? Who is involved? Why does it interest you? Should it interest people beyond your chosen field? Does it impact the greater society? How might it impact your future job prospects? What similarities and differences do you find in the articles? In other words, think about the questions that arise from reading the articles and address them in your summary. SUBMIT a copy of your summary and copies of the NY Times and library articles to Blackboard before you approach the front of the room to give your.

4. 7-Minute presentation on the articles and topic. Using Powerpoint, Prezi, or any other instructor-approved method, you will give a 7-minute presentation to the entire class about your articles and the key concepts, the issues they discuss, and the impact those issues have upon your major field and perhaps society at large. Your job is to demonstrate your mastery of the articles and that you understand the material at a deep enough level that you can effectively share that knowledge with your peers.

5. Using Youtube, Vimeo, or another multimedia search engine, locate a video pertaining to the issues you are presenting upon. Post the video to the discussion board specifically for Presentation #4 (by 11/3). Watch and discuss the issues presented by your classmates' selections, and they will do the same with yours. Respond to at least two classmates' videos (by11/8), commenting on the points of the video most important to you, or questions that were provoked by the video.

PORTFOLIO: Bring your portfolio of materials to the instructor meeting of the week.

This fourth presentation is meant to be much more challenging and to expand your work in the Blackboard shell. Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions!


1. The Rejection of Human Rights Framings: The Case of LGBT Advocacy in the US by Julie Mertus.

2. The Religious Dynamics of Decision Making on Gay Rights Issues in the U.S. House of Representatives, 1993-2002 by ELIZABETH ANNE OLDMIXON and BRIAN ROBERT CALFANO.

3. Court: Governor Can't Protect LGBT Rights by Issuing Order By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.

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Other Subject: Why does it interest you should it interest people beyond
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