
Why does insecurity remain high in somalia

African goverance:

The length of the essay should be 4500 words.

1. Why has post-conflict reform of the military proved so difficult in *** [provide a named country or sub-region]?

2. Why does insecurity remain high in Somalia and low in Somaliland?

3. Is it politically and practically feasible to consider police partnerships with nonstate actors so as to extend access to justice and security?

4. Does it matter that recent decades have seen the emergence of private security companies like G4S operating on a global scale and undertaking duties formerly undertaken by the police?

5. Why is the provision of security and justice for women from sexual violence so ineffective and what can be done to strengthen it?

6. With reference to a particular developing country or sub-region, evaluate whether conflict resolution entails trade-offs between current objectives (stopping the violence) and future objectives (sustaining peace and encouraging development).

7. Does the term ‘mafia state’ accurately depict the relationship between governance and organised criminal activity in developing world countries?

8. Can military force promote humanitarian values?

Remember, your essays you will be marked for the following:

• Relevance to requirements of the question
• Summary of arguments by leading experts
• Critical analysis of the data and interpretations that you use
• Comparison/juxtaposition of arguments by leading experts
• Demonstrates knowledge of topic (i.e. have read widely)
• Demonstrates understanding of theories and concepts
• Research/Use of source materials
• Presentation
• Spelling and grammar

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