
Why does descartes embark on the project of radical doubt


Answer one of the questions below in 350-700 words. Follow the "Paper Specifications" closely. Also, see the separate document for instructions on the structure of the paper.

Paper Specifications:

  • 350-700 words in length
  • double-spaced
  • 12-pt, Times New Roman Font
  • must have title
  • must use proper citations, using MLA or Chicago style
  • must have Works Cited page (even though you will only be citing one source!)
  • Use appropriate language. This means formal, academic language and not colloquial language. Also, avoid sexist language.

 Helpful Websites:

  • For help with citations and many other paper issues, visit the Purdue Online Writing Lab. They have instructions on how to use MLA and Chicago style, both of which are acceptable for this paper.
  • If you are unfamiliar with the disciplinary convention to use non-sexist language, visit the American Philosophical Association's webpage and its Guidelines for Non-Sexist Use of Language. Scroll down to the bottom to read a summary of these guidelines.

Paper Topics:

1. Why does Descartes embark on the project of radical doubt? Explain the steps of his argument in Meditation 1.

2. How does Descartes prove that he exists? What does he determine that he is and why? Explain the steps of his argument in the first half of Meditation 2.

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Dissertation: Why does descartes embark on the project of radical doubt
Reference No:- TGS01732012

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