Why does age play a role in skin related changes at about


  1. Why does age play a role in skin related changes?
  2. At about what age does it become noticeable for skin aging?
  3. What contributes to skin aging?
  4. What effect does aging have on the accessory organs of the skin?
  5. What happens to the epidermis as the skin ages?Does the number of cell layers in the epidermis remain the same as skin ages?
  6. Explain what happens to the melanocytes as skin ages.
  7. What happens to the blood vessels of the dermis?
  8. What is elastosis?
  9. What are the sebaceous glands?What do they produce?
  10. What affect do they play on aging?
  11. Explain the differences between the effects of sebaceous gland changes on a man and a woman.
  12. As you age, are you at more of a risk for heat stroke? Why or why not?
  13. What happens to the subcutaneous fat layer as one ages? What effect does that have on how medications work?
  14. What are some cosmetic anti-aging treatments to diminish skin aging effects?
  15. As you age, do you think you would have cosmetic surgery to "reverse" the aging process?

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Dissertation: Why does age play a role in skin related changes at about
Reference No:- TGS02661447

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