
Why do you think the author wrote this story if you were


Novel Reading Response

Goal: Students will choose 10 of the 15 statements below in which to respond. Answer each response in a complete sentence. Each response should contain at least 5 sentences and no more than 8 sentences. So to summarize, you need to write at least 50 sentences for this assignment.

You will need to use a word processor, such as Microsoft Word or Google Documents to write and submit your paper for this assignment.

* Your Reading Response should be created in a word document file so that you can save your work frequently and also use spell check and grammar check. When it is ready to be submitted, click Prepare Answer, then click Add Attachment, then click Upload File, and after selecting and uploading the file, click Save & Submit for Grading.

1. Explain a character's problem and then offer your character advice on how to solve his/her problem.

2. Explain how a character is acting and why you think the character is acting that way.

3. Pick one character and explain why you would/would not like to have him/her as a friend.

4. Describe and explain why you would/would not like to have lived in the time or place of the story.

5. What real-life people or events are you reminded of by characters or events in the story? Explain why.

6. Write about what would happen if you brought one of your characters to school or home for a day.

7. Pick a scene in which you disagreed how a character handled a situation/person and rewrite it in the way you think it should have happened.

8. What quality of which character strikes you as a good characteristic to develop within yourself over the years? Why? How does the character demonstrate this quality?

9. Who tells the story? Is this the best person to tell it? Why?

10. How would the story be different if told through another character's eyes?

11. Why do you think the author wrote this story?

12. If you were the author, would you have ended the story in a different way? Why? How so?

13. How does the author provide information or details to make the story seem realistic?

14. Do you have any unanswered questions about the story? Explain.

15. Copy an interesting/confusing/important/enjoyable passage and explain why you chose it.

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Other Subject: Why do you think the author wrote this story if you were
Reference No:- TGS01568217

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