Why do you think that energetics are the weapons of choice

These two questions are based on the below textbook.:

Garcia, A. F., Rand, D., & Rinard, J. H., Jr(Eds.). (2011). Jane's CBRN response handbook (4th ed.). Berkshire, UK: Jane's Information Group.
Chapters 11-12
Please use other sources as well.
Each answer must be at least 250 words in length and must fully explain your answer. **NO PLAGIARISM**

1. Research a current disaster incident in which an energetic was used. Describe the device, the damage caused, and what first responders had to do to control the aftermath of the situation.

2. Why do you think that energetics are the weapons of choice by terrorists, worldwide? Is there another weapon or implement that might cause just as much damage and fear? If so, what is it, and how easy or hard would it be to obtain?

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Dissertation: Why do you think that energetics are the weapons of choice
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