
Why do you think so many employers offer eap services to

Directions: Please answer each of the following questions. Ensure that each response is at least 2 paragraphs in length. Please visit the Academic Resource Center (ARC) for concise APA guidelines.

1. What is a labor union? Define the term labor relations.

2. Identify and describe the key labor organizations that helped establish labor relations in the United States.

3. Explain the impact of the Railway Labor Act and the Wagner Act on the growth of trade unions.

4. The union structure in the United States consists of four levels. Identify and describe each.

5. Read Application Case 15.1: Boeing's Decision to Build the 787 Dreamliner in South Carolina: Good Business Decision or Union Busting? in Chapter 15 and answer the following questions.

a) Evaluate the claims made by the union and counterclaims made by the company regarding the charges of unfair labor practices. Which of the arguments is more persuasive?

b) Does the National Labor Relations Board have the authority to dictate where a company may do business?

c) Why do companies like Boeing move significant parts of their operations to right-to-work states like North Carolina?

d) If the NLRB were successful in blocking Boeing's plans to build the 787 Dreamliner in South Carolina, to what degree would this precedent encourage U.S. manufacturers to move some of their operations to overseas locations (as opposed to moving them to right-to-work states)?

6. Why do you think so many employers offer EAP services to their employees? Explain.

7. Can violence in the workplace be totally eliminated? Why or why not?

8. What are the limitations of applying the hot stove rule to all employees?

9. How serious a problem is the substance-abusing employee at work? How should the substance-abusing employee be handled?

10. Read Application Case 16.1: The High Cost of Theft and Fraud in Chapter 16 and answer the following questions.

a) How do internal controls such as separation of duties, redundancy, and centralized processes discourage employees from committing fraudulent acts?

b) Why are some small businesses more susceptible to employee fraud and theft? Explain.

c) Given that the ACFE "2010 Global Fraud Study" reported that employee tips were the most common way that fraudulent acts are discovered, how can an organization encourage honest employees to report fraudulent behavior committed by co-workers, supervisors, clients, or vendors?

d) How important is it for an organization to have a code of conduct that defines fraudulent behavior and what happens to those individuals who commit such acts?

11. While working in a present or previous job, did you ever witness unsafe working conditions? What did the employer do to improve the situation, if anything?

12. Should whether a person smokes or not be used in hiring decisions? How about whether the person qualifies for promotion? Explain.

13. Some people believe that there are few (if any) risks associated with working in nonmanufacturing work environments - like in a restaurant, hospital, or counseling center. What would you tell these people to convince them of the potential safety and health hazards in these work sites?

14. Why should organizations be concerned about the consequences of occupational stress? What steps should be taken to educate employees on this issue?

15. Read Application Case 17.1: Campus Food Systems in Chapter 17 and answer the following questions.

a) What should Cindy do and why? Frame your answer in terms of a safe and healthy workplace.


Ivancevich, J. M., & Konopaske, R. (2013).  Human resource management (12th ed.).  New York: McGraw-Hill Companies.


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