
Why do you think philippine safety airlines is profitable


Differentiate Moral behavior and moral reasoning

Write the answer in the following presented case.

Case I

Anyone who has been married knows how critical the mutual respect and recognition is to maintaining the health of marriage. Just as environment is so important to a marriage so also for any close relationship -including close friends, if your partner or friend does not respect you, the closeness of that friendship will be very difficult to maintain.

• Do you approach this problem?
• What should the title of the presented case? Why did you choose that title?

Case II

A flight attendant was interviewed by a television network's correspondent. She was asked as to what airline is the best and most profitable in the Philippines. This was her statement: The most profitable and convenient airline in the Philippines is the PSA. PSA has been profitable every year since 1971. Other airlines have come and go. No other airlines had matched PSA's record. "The secret of success is how we do things here."

• Why do you think Philippine Safety Airlines (PSA) is profitable and a convenient airline?
• What should be the title of this story/case? Why did you say so?

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