
Why do you think obtaining knowledge from general education

Discuss the following in 250 words:

Start by reviewing General Education Curriculum found in “Section Five: General Academic Information and Policies” which addresses the core competencies that the general education courses must cover: Applied Ethics, Communication, Information Technology, Critical Thinking, and Quantitative Reasoning.

Reflect: Think about the core competencies as previously mentioned and ponder on your time taking general education courses.

Reflect on the specific courses not associated with your college major and determine the level of new information you have acquired that relates to the core competencies.

Write: Explain what you have learned about the principles guiding general education from this course and the courses you have taken in the past:

1. What are the most important concepts you have learned (a) from this course and (b) throughout your time as a university student?

2. Why do you think obtaining knowledge from general education courses is important?

3. What are your plans for putting your education to use within your community?

4. How might your newly acquired knowledge and skills shape your personal and professional development?

You must Support your claims with examples from required material(s) or at least two scholarly sources, and properly cite any references.

Required Resources

IntradayMillionaires - Random Show. (2014, August 12). How to create profesional powerpoint presentation slides | Best powerpoint tips [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duf_gutmvjo
This video is used as a how-to-guide to help with creating a professional PowerPoint presentation; providing students with the information that they will need in order to create a high quality PowerPoint presentation should they wish to provide a PowerPoint presentation for their Final Research Project rather than a standard, written essay.

Accessibility Statement

Privacy Policy

McMillan, D. [Don McMillan]. (2012, September 12). Life after death by powerpoint 2012 by Don McMillan [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjcO2ExtHso
This video provides a humorous guide on the common errors that appear in ineffective PowerPoint presentations. This will help students become aware of what they should not do when creating their own PowerPoint slides. Transcript

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Retterer, O. [Oscar Retterer Channel]. (2009, November 19). Principles of effective presentations [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxR8lh9riFg/
This video provides a guide on the four principles of creating an effective presentation: planning, producing, practicing, and presenting. This information will be necessary for those students who wish to provide a PowerPoint presentation as an alternative to an essay as their Final Research Project. Transcript

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University of Miami Division of Continuing & International Education [UMiami Continuing Studies]. (2009, November 17). What not to do in PowerPoint [Video file].

Retrieved from


This video demonstrates what a person shouldn’t do when creating a PowerPoint presentation, such as providing too much text on a slide and using animation. This information will be necessary for those students who wish to provide a PowerPoint presentation as an alternative to an essay as their Final Research Project.

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Instructional Innovation & Faculty Development Teaching & Learning Centers. (2009, September 21). 7 Ideas for designing a PowerPoint presentation. Retrieved from


This website provides a slideshow on different PowerPoint presentation design principles, such as being simple and concise, choosing the right font style and size.

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Other Subject: Why do you think obtaining knowledge from general education
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