
Why do you think doctors used bleeding as a remedy


A. Quarantined families have to decide whether family members should associate with others outside of the household since any contact one person has with others has the potential to bring infection into the household. Is this a problem you have encountered? If so, how did your family handle it?

B. How does yellow fever spread? How did the people in Philadelphia in 1803 think it spread? Did social distancing and stay-at-home help slow the spread of the virus?

C. Mention is made numerous times about people having blood removed. Why do you think doctors used bleeding as a remedy for illnesses like Yellow Fever?

Reference: "The disorder, I fear, increases:" Yellow Fever in Philadelphia, 1803 By: Elizabeth Sandwith Drinker.

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English: Why do you think doctors used bleeding as a remedy
Reference No:- TGS03279251

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