TOPIC 1 : Although preventative services such as routine well-care visits and immunizations have often shown to be beneficial in terms of preventing future, more expensive, health care encounters, not all insurance plans offer reimbursement for such things. In addition, health care policies have only recently begun to recognize the "worth" of funding prevention-related services.
Why do you believe that funding preventive health care services has taken so long to become a major component of health plans?
What do you think will need to happen to change the prevailing mindset of funding health care services reactively versus proactively from a third-party payer's and a provider's? Why?
TOPIC 2 : Surveys such as the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) are based on sound research principles such as with randomized sampling, high response rates, and other systems to reduce bias.
What are some of the types of bias, and how might bias distort data reporting?