
Why do some communities become ambivalent to gangswhat

Some communities have been accused of ignoring gang activity to the point that it encourages gangs to feel that they have found a ‘safe haven'.

Write a 2 page paper. Address the following in your paper:

Why do some communities become ambivalent to gangs?

What characteristics make gangs feel safe and how do communities contribute to this feeling?

Include a title page and 3-5 references. Only one reference can be from the internet (not Wikipedia).. Please adhere to the American

Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition, 2nd printing when writing and submitting papers. Papers should be grammatically correct. Lastly, avoid first person and contractions in your paper. You can provide an opinion without using "I think" statements.

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Dissertation: Why do some communities become ambivalent to gangswhat
Reference No:- TGS02145007

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