
Why do people enjoy watching other people play


A. Imagine that you have been abducted by a group of aliens who are visiting our planet for a day. The spaceship in which you are being held captive is hovering above a football stadium where a game is in progress. The aliens promise you your freedom if you can explain to them what is going on down below.

Their questions include:

a. What is a game?
b. What is a team?
c. Why do people enjoy watching other people play?
d. What is winning, and why is everyone so excited about it?

B. You have a ticket for the night train to Baltimore. You've had many delays, including a traffic jam after a three-car accident on the freeway. You had planned to stop at a bookstore to pick up some reading material, but since you are running very late, you have all you can do to get to the station in time. When you arrive, you discover that the train has been delayed, but its time of arrival is uncertain. You have no reading material. There is no TV in the waiting room. There is not even a refreshment counter. You dare not drive someplace for fear of missing the train. But you are a critical thinker. Suggest some ways in which you might pass the time.

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Reference No:- TGS03307030

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