Assignment task:
Students will discuss Dr. Griffiths, "Psychedelic therapy with Roland Griffiths, PhD," and Dr. Lisdahl's, "Marijuana: The Brain Changer." All threads and responses must remain scholarly and professional. Threads, posts, and replies should focus on psychoactive drug use by humans. Some questions students may want to address were listed below:
1. Why do humans use psychoactive drugs?
2. Are psychoactive drugs inherently adaptive or maladaptive?
3. Do psychoactive drugs impact human psychological development?
4. When does psychoactive drug use become harmful, dangerous, or maladaptive?
5. When is psychoactive drug use therapeutic?
6. How does culture influence the perception, use, and experiences related to psychoactive drugs?
Each student's discussion must contain an initial post, as well as a secondary post focused on responding to a peer's discussion. Initial posts must contain an introductory paragraph, one body paragraph, and a concluding paragraph to receive a passing grade.
Secondary posts must include a one paragraph reply to a peer's post in order to receive a passing grade. Additionally, students must remain respectful and professional while responding to posts generated by other students in our class.