
Why do groups cooperate more than individuals to reduce


Collaborative decision making is upon us in the business world. It allows us to make higher risk decisions faster and in a more manageable way. Having to wait for the person at top to make the decision and implement it to the lowest levels of a large organization is no longer a sustainable way to do business.

As you go about your decision-making concerning Henriette's future, consider the following question: Are Groups Better and More Capable of Making Critical Decisions than Individuals?

Case Scenario

You are a salesperson for Jiffy Office Supplies. You and three other people (your team) just sealed a deal with the company's major client, Acme Printing. The new agreement would bring Acme's total sales for Jiffy to $20,000 per week.

It is 6:30 pm on Friday evening and your phone rings. The caller, John Bly, is the Purchasing Agent for Acme. It seems that a recent deal on Jiffy's end has tripled its need for spiral bound tablets. This deal would raise the sales for Jiffy to $30,000 per week. You are excited but there are two facts that nag at you. First, Acme has a credit limit with the company of $1,000,000 and second, this sale would constitute more than one-third of Jiffy's sales. Worse yet, Bly intimated that if Jiffy did not agree to the addition he would look elsewhere to fill the need.

In the competitive world of office supplies, failing to produce on a small point could lose the whole contract. You are empowered to make this decision, but not sure of the best way to go - accept the offer of the additional sales at this time to avoid Bly looking at a competitor, or put him off until Monday so that you can get together with your team and make the decision as a group?


How to Set Up the PowerPoint Presentation

Create a PowerPoint Presentation. The final product will be no longer than 12 slides including the title page and reference page. You will use the note section of the PowerPoint to discuss, explain and support the reasoning and conclusions for the information presented in each slide. The expectation is that what is presented is more than a few sentences. More than one or two sentences is expected in each of the slides.

The presentation will answer the question:

"Are Groups Better and More Capable of Making Critical Decisions than Individuals?"

In the presentation, include:

•The advantages and disadvantages of individual decision making.
•The advantages and disadvantages of group decision making.
•Give a clear choice of either individual or group decision making in the answer to the question.
•Explain how you arrived at your decision using the facts and the assigned reading below or in class material as support.
•Explain why the option not chosen was eliminated.

You will read the following articles to help answer the question and to create the PowerPoint presentation.


• Why do Groups Cooperate More than Individuals to Reduce Risks
• Pros and Cons of Decision Making by Committee
• Decisions Making In Groups
• 10 Effects of Groupthink and How to Avoid Them
• Are Two Heads Better Than One?

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Business Management: Why do groups cooperate more than individuals to reduce
Reference No:- TGS02498942

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