A. How do modules help you to reuse code in a program?
B. Name and describe the two parts that a module definition has in most languages.
C. When a module is executing, what happens when the end of the module is reached?
D. What is a local variable? What statements are able to access a local variable?
E. In most languages, where does a local variable's scope begin and end?
F. What is the difference between passing an argument by value and passing it by reference?
G. Why do global variables make a program difficult to debug?
H. Design a module named timesTen. The module should accept an Integer argument. When the module is called, it should display the product of its argument multiplied times 10.
I. Design a module named getNumber, which uses a reference parameter variable to accept an Integer argument. The module should prompt the user to enter a number and then store the input in the reference parameter variable.