Why do disruptive technologies and new distribution channels


Electric cars have come a long way! Now we also are seeing disruptive technology in the form of self-driving vehicles.

Consider how the electric car and self-driving vehicle pose a legitimate disruptive threat to companies making traditional vehicles. In what ways do they constitute an opportunity for profitable growth? In what ways could they lead to potential failure? Think outside the box.

To measure market needs, would you watch carefully what customers do, not simply listen to what they say? Why or why not?

Christensen writes, "I would not... follow the lead of other automakers in my search for customers." Why wouldn't he? Should we advise to hold "back from the market, waiting for laboratory researchers to develop a breakthrough battery technology?" Why or why not? Why is it that "no one can learn from market research what the early market(s) for electric vehicles [or self-driving vehicles] will be?" What kind of a plan will his business plan be? What markets does he guess at?

Why do disruptive technologies and new distribution channels frequently go hand-in-hand and what does this mean for electric cars and self-driving vehicles?

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

o The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

o The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

o Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Business Management: Why do disruptive technologies and new distribution channels
Reference No:- TGS03133487

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