
Why dns is asked to participate in a marketing meeting

Assignment task:

The DNS is asked to participate in a marketing meeting with the local hospital, which has just formed an Accountable Care Organization. The DNS's facility has a rating of three out of five stars, and the DNS is asked to share information during this meeting that showcases the nursing department's commitment to quality and efficiency. Which of the following data would meet this goal? The facility's readmission rate over the past year, at 10%; the facility's short-stay pressure ulcer Quality Measure, which is 13.2%; and the staff turnover rate, at 2% in the last year The facility's readmission rate, at 28%; the short-stay fall with major injury Quality Measure, at 3%; and the influenza vaccination Quality Measure, showing 99% The facility's readmission rate over the past year, at 12%; the average short-stay length of stay, at 47 days; and the short-stay residents with an emergency room visit Quality Measure, showing 15% The facility's readmission rate over the past year, at 12%; the percentage of short-stay residents who were successfully discharged to the community, at 78%; and an RN staffing rating of four out of five stars

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Reference No:- TGS03432553

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