Section 1:
However, for this specific assignment, you will just need to schedule a meeting with an entrepreneur and conduct an interview with him/her.
For this interview, you will need to request that the entrepreneur interviewed address the following questions/issues:
- Why did you decide to start your own business?
- How did it feel to actually get your new venture up and running?
- What weresome of the challenges you faced in launching your new business venture?
- What are some of the rewards you have experienced as a result of starting your own business?
- If you had to do it all over again, what, if anything, would you do differently?
- In your opinion, what is the single most important key to success when launching your own business venture?
- What advice would you give to a young, aspiring entrepreneur like me?
- Can you addanything else that might help me as I examine the opportunity to become and entrepreneur?
In addition to these questions, you may (and I would encourage you to) add any other questions that you feel are relevant to your interview with your entrepreneur. For example, as follow-up (or probing) questions....such as "Why do you feel that is so important to starting a new business?" Try to get as much information from your entrepreneur as you can.
Section 2:
This section of your report should demonstrate how the answers you received from your interviewee connects to this introductory course.
- What connections to the concepts outlined in the text, can you make?
- How do the interviewee's answers connect....tothe in-class discussions wehavehad?
- Do the answers your interviewee gave - confirm what you have been learning, or are they theoppositeof what you have been learning, in the course so far?
Section 3:
The final section of the assignment would be for your reflection on what you learned from conducting the interview. You should reflect on such questions as:
- What did I learn form this interview?
- What really stood out for me from my interview with the entrepreneur?
- What is the most important piece of advice that my interviewee gave me that I will take forward with me as I develop my own idea for a new business venture?