Why did you choose to take the course bitcoin


Bitcoin Basics

What is Bitcoin? How does Bitcoin work? How to transact with bitcoin? How to store Bitcoin securely?

Blockchain Networks

Using the blockchain for digital finance?


Why does Bitcoin have value? Economic characteristics of bitcoin?

Bitcoin VS gold
Political Implications

Algorithmic regulation in cryptocurrency? Bitcoin as ledger technology?


a) Why did you choose to take this course " Bitcoin" ?

b) How can you see knowledge of Bitcoin being useful in Commercial Bank Management?

c) Do some research to find examples from banks that are already doing applications using Bitcoins in this area of Financial Analytics?

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Finance Basics: Why did you choose to take the course bitcoin
Reference No:- TGS02995984

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