
Why did uk-based vodafone struggle in japan what can dunkin

Case Write-Up Assignment

• You can work alone or with another member (i.e., maximum two members including yourself)

• Topic: You have three options. Contact me if you are not sure whether your topic is relevant.

1. A topic from the textbook

- E.g.) Opening case, closing case, management focus, country focus
- Expand the discussion in the text and provide deeper analyses
- Do not choose a topic we already extensively discussed in class (e.g., Who makes iPhone?)

2. A topic outside the textbook, but related to the issues covered in class

- E.g.) A topic from president Trump's comments on regional trade agreements such as NAFT and TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) or currency manipulation by other countries

- NOT allowed: Why Walmart failed in Germany and Korea

• Read at least 4 articles (not cited in the textbook if your topic is directly from one of the textbook cases)

• Make 10-15 PowerPoint slides

- Summarize the situation: The main story, background, etc.
- Make at least 3 insightful questions and discuss them
- Discuss why your topic is relevant to international business
- Provide supporting data using graphs and tables whenever relevant
- Make your work insightful and interesting
- Use proper visuals is a plus: e.g., relevant pictures and videos
- Cite all references at the end

• Submit your slides on BeachBoard

- One copy per team (if you work with another member)
- You can submit anytime before the due date: April 28, 11:00 pm
- Submit an actual slide file, not online link

• Optional

- Let me know if you are willing to make a presentation in class with some extra credit

Some exampletopics you might consider outside the textbook

• What prompted Home Depot to exit Chile

• Why did UK-based Vodafone struggle in Japan?

• What recommendations would you make to the farming equipment maker, John Deere, as it attempts to grow in either the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia or in Southern Africa?

• What can Dunkin' Donuts learn from its early failure to enter the Chinese market?

• What can McDonald's learn from the failure in its Jamaican venture?

• Why did Starbucks fail from its Australian enterprise?

• How should India-based Tata Motors take on the vast Western market?

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Other Subject: Why did uk-based vodafone struggle in japan what can dunkin
Reference No:- TGS02418981

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