
Why did the rambam decide to write his mishnah torah


A. How were the mitzvos given to Moshe?
B. Who were the Chachamim who received the Mesorah from Rabbeinu Hakadosh?
C. What are the three sefarim that discuss subjects taught in the Mishnah, and who wrote them?
D. What categories can be derived from the two sets of Gemaras, Tosefta, Sifra and Sifrei?
E. Creating decrees as fences to Torah law is a concept that began when?
F. How did the Chachamim derive laws and principles not found directly in the Torah?
G. Describe the events that took place after Rav Ashi composed the Talmud.
H. What issues came about due to the disbursement of Klal Yisrael?
I. Describe the way Torah was taught and disseminated in the times of the Gaonim.
J. Why did the Rambam decide to write his Mishnah Torah?

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