Why did the north win the war

Problem: Choose one of the following questions to answer and respond to at least three other postings. Your responses should be well thought out and include details and examples.  Development of your ideas should be obvious and you should answer all parts of the question you choose.

1. Why did the North win the war?

2. Why did the ex-slaves' struggle for land result in the sharecropping system?

3. Do you believe that the failure of Reconstruction was primarily a failure of leadership? Or, do you think that the outcome might have been different had Lincoln lived, or had chosen a different vice president?

4. What ideas did the term Manifest Destiny reflect? Did it cause historical events, or was it merely a description of events? What were those events?

5.  Why did President Polk go to war with Mexico? Why did the war become so divisive in Congress and the country?

6. What prompted Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation?  What were the reasons for the edict?

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History: Why did the north win the war
Reference No:- TGS03361423

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