Why did the author of the reading find it necessary to


Why did the author of this week's reading find it necessary to compare the European and North American systems; are they really that different? How do costs of transportation impact global trade?

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words.

The book for this class is :Leinbach, T. R., & Capineri, C. (2007). Globalized Freight Transport : Intermodality, E-commerce, Logistics and Sustainability. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. Chapters 1-5; 10

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Good afternoon;

With globalization coming to the forefront, the global economy has become ever entwined. America and Europe have great interdependency and were the focus of this week's readings. Through the use of STELLA (Sustainable Transport in Europe with Linkages and Liaisons with America) and STAR (Sustainable Transportable Analysis and Research) there was an ongoing dialog for the furtherance of globalization to include its impacts across both Europe and North America. both continents are continually looking for ways to refine the transportation systems each uses for both goods and people. I don't think they are really that different each utilizes its current transportation system as manageable as possible. "emerging global production networks (GPN) that have been established as a consequence of innovations in information and communications technology and of the increasing degree of global economic and social integration coined as globalization." With the Innovations that have come from globalization the impacts on the transportation in industry have been vast. The impacts are interesting to note that they have been mirrored on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Corporations are finding it less expensive to outsource the production of smaller components of their products as well as the transportation to and from their factories. This is lead to a huge strain on the transportation system as it stands. Looking to get ahead of potential problems from the future the author took the case of Europe and America and how some of the instrumented policies are going to play out to change the face of Transportation. One of the most impactful things that can happen to a society or population is when the little things fail. Having transportation fail would be just such a case. Governments both here and abroad have taken note of this fact. Issuing both law and measures to ensure that fuel prices stay at a stable price point, and furthering reductions in greenhouse emissions. This is part of the forcing function to change transportation behaviors, giving the transportation industry the ability to make economic changes as well as environmental.



Cited: Globalized Freight Transport : Intermodality, E-Commerce, Logistics and Sustainability, edited by T.R. Leinbach, and C. Capineri, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007. ProQuest Ebook Central.

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International Economics: Why did the author of the reading find it necessary to
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