Assignment - Imperialism and World War
This question should be responded to as an essay, typed, double-spaced with one inch margins on all sides and approximately three pages in length. Slightly longer is acceptable, but only if you have something interesting to say.
Please proof-read your work for grammar, spelling and syntax before submitting it.
Rosa Luxemburg, a Polish-German Social Democrat, gave a detailed Marxian analysis for her opposition to the First World War in "The Workers and the War" in 1916 when she was in prison, the war was at its height, and when its outcome was unclear. What were her objections as outlined in that writing?
Why did she see it as a defeat for working people in all countries? Why did she dispute the assertions that a Germany victory, even if it occurred, would never make the sacrifices of the war worthwhile for the German people?
What did she see as the war's likely consequences? She also said in 1916 that a second world war is inevitable; what were her reasons for this conclusion at such an early date?
In retrospect, is Luxemburg better seen as insightful, as the dangerous and destructive person her enemies accused her of being (she was killed during the German Revolution of 1918-19 to prevent her from leading that uprising), or as something else?
Use examples from the Luxemburg's article and your general knowledge of the modern world to support your argument and be specified about the reasons for your conclusions.
Luxemburg's article is available at