
Why did marlon brando play such role in movie made by kazan


Movie report. Explain why they are relevant to labor relations, professionalism, employees in modern organizations, and the ethics involved in labor-management relations. Give examples from the movie scenes.

High Moon (Kramer Stanley)
Modern Times (Paulette Goddard)

Also, watch the Movie, On the Waterfront with Marlon Brando as its key player. Explain why Marlon Brando played in this kind of movie made by Elia Kazan? Elia Kazan was called the Fattest Rat by the Guardians newspaper/Magazine in the 1950s. Why? Kazan sold all actors and actresses, directors, performers, and anyone in Hollywood with even the slightest intellectual progressive mind, thinking, or activities during WWII, the anti-war and anti-fascist movements, and against McCarthy fascism. He gave the lists of the names to the FBI and Joseph McCarthy committee in return for the opportunity to make anti-progressive, anti-union, and anti-war movements. He helped destroy hundreds of thousands of lives of people in Hollywood and their friends and relatives across America. The British newspaper Guardian called Kazan the Fattest Rat of the alleys. But why did Marlon Brando play such a role in a movie made by Kazan? Would he do the same in his later years of life? Charlie Chaplin continued his movies and was forced into exile in France. Why did Brando not?

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