Self-Analysis & Reflection.
The key aspect of reflection is a critical evaluation of the self. Students will undertake a number of in-class cases during the semester and must use two (2) of the nominated cases as the basis for their self analysis, signed by the unit facilitator to verify they have been completed in class.
The unit coordinator and or facilitator will then nominate which ones are to be used as part of the assessment. Online students will be sent these cases.
Students will also complete at least 3 ethical diagnostic tools in class and must attach the results sheet as an appendix, signed by the unit facilitator to verify they have been completed.
Students are to use the findings of these tools to analyse how and why they made their decision(s) the assumptions made and approaches used, and whether their positions changed over time and why.
Students should also include a brief statement about how the content of the unit has given them greater insights into ethical practice as a future manager and leader.
Write a self reflection and then complete the assignment according to the creteria and rubric mentioned in the attachment.
Reflection Trigger Questions
The key to effective reflection is to analyze your own behaviours, and decisions so as to gain a better understanding of why you do what you do, and to challenge whether this is appropriate or not.
Most students simply describe what they did or the decision they took, then jump immediately to an assessment of whether it was right or not- this is not reflection. This is description andwill only result in a pass.
Key questions to consider
• What decision did I make or behaviour did I exhibit?
• What assumptions or beliefs did I hold that informed mypractice?
• Why did I hold these views or assumption- explore your upbringing, education, religious beliefs, cultural background- does this explain it?
• How did I feel about the decision? Examples of emptions might include: anger, ambivalence, confusion, annoyance- etc.
• Explore why you held these feelings! Is it due to a conflict between what you thought was acceptable and the ethical content we considered in class or the unit?
You need to refer to at least 2 cases or activities we undertook in class as the basis for your discussion. These two minimum cases will be nominated by the unit co-ordinator, but referring to more cases and how you reached your decisions is likely to display greater depth.
Cases might include, e.g. the Ford Pinto, All Asia Airways, Moral Triggers, etc
Using the trigger questions analyze what you did, or the position you held and why. (Assumption, background etc.)
As part of the analysis you must directly refer to the results of a minimum of 3 verified diagnostic tools. E.g. does you result from the Values questionnaire explain your behaviours or decision making, or does it help you understand your assumptions etc.Contrast and compare the results of the tools to seek understanding of your behaviours and assumption, decisions etc.
These must be attached to the assignments as appendices.( Just the results page)
(Remember that the minimum is 3 diagnostic tools- if you only refer to 3 results then you will only score the minimum grade for this section.
One of the key objectives of this unit was to provide you with the tools to analyze the ethical dimensionof a decision or situation that you might find yourself in, so that you can assess the ethical risk to you and your organisation.To allow you to make a more informed decision.
Determine whether the content of the unit has given you greater insight into ethics and behaviour.
Think about this objective and provide a final commentary about how you will use this information as a manager in the future.