Why did gompers believe that unions were necessary why did

I - SAMUEL GOMPERS - The American Federation of Labor (1883)


1. Why did Gompers believe that unions were necessary?

2. Why did Gompers claim that trade unions did not exist in China or Russia?

3. What were the advantages of Gompers's explicit rejection of Socialism and Communism?

II - EDWARD O'DONNELL FROM Women as Bread Winners-The Error of the Age (1887)


1. What did O'Donnell mean by female employment constituting an "insidious assault upon the home"?

2. According to the pamphlet, how did employment "unsex" women?

III - EUGENE V. DEBS FROM Outlook for Socialism in the United States (1900)


1. Why did Debs say that Socialists should shun both Republicans and Democrats?

2. By what means did Socialists gain power?

3. Critics then and since dismissed Socialists as utopians. Do you agree?

IV - ROYAL MELENDY Saloon Culture (1900)


1. In addition to alcohol, what services did saloons provide their patrons?

2. What roles did the saloonkeeper play in addition to bartender?

3. Why have saloons declined in importance?

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