Problem 1: Discuss the role that Alexander Hamilton played in establishing the economic foundation of the United States? From the book give me liberty.
Problem 2: Why did Congress pass the Whiskey Tax? How did small farmers who manufactured whiskey respond? How did the U.S. Government and President George Washington respond?
Problem 3: How did white women's participation in the abolitionist movement push them to a new understanding of their own rights and oppression?
Problem 4: Define "Cult of Domesticity."
In what way do you think the supporters of the "Cult of Domesticity" would argue that a women's sphere was separate but equal?
One aspect of the "Cult" defined the role of women as being responsible for the moral fabric of her family. How might a middle-class woman have used the ideology of being responsible for the moral fabric of her family to justify her involvement, outside the home, in the reform movements of the time--abolition, peace, education, temperance?
Problem 5: Discuss the push and pull factors for Irish and German immigrants during the 1840s. What kind of response waited for them once they arrived in the United States?