
Why did charlemagne value educationhow did charlemagne feel

In your response paper analyze the selections from biography of Charlemagne by Einhard, a monk at the court of the king. Your paper should be about 200 words in length (one full page), should use correct grammar and spelling, and be double spaced. Write your essay in Word or Text Editor, don't use any open source word processor because I cannot open those documents. Remember, if I can't read it, I can't grade it.

Put your name and class information at the top of the page in the following format:

Third response paper

In your analysis of this document, respond to the following questions:

• What does Einhard's biographical sketch reveal about Charlemagne's character? Is his point of view positive or negative?

• Why did Charlemagne value education?

• How did Charlemagne feel about his family?

• How does the document reinforce Charlemagne's status as a model king and a Christian warrior?

• What is he trying to accomplish with this biography?

The best responses will use selections from the document to support your analysis.

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History: Why did charlemagne value educationhow did charlemagne feel
Reference No:- TGS01388035

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