Assignment task: In this week's discussion:
Post on the issue of why the criminal procedure of plea-bargaining creates such controversy for so many in our country.
It seems ironic that groups representing both conservative perspectives and liberal ideologies would agree about their dislike of the plea-bargaining process.
- Do plea bargains sacrifice too many defendants' rights, or are too many benefits offered to guilty defendants?
- Conversely, how might plea bargains offer the justice system an easier method to alleviate congestion for overwhelming court dockets?
- Finally, examine what would happen to the United States' criminal justice system if plea bargains were eliminated.
- Also, provide at least one citation from the Peak (2021) text or other scholarly or credible source.
Peak, K. J., and Madensen-Herold, T. D. (2021). Introduction to criminal justice: Practice and process. (4th ed.). Sage.