Why colonialism plays a big part in the development


For starters, we must understand that positive peace does not mean war, conflict, or control. Positive peace comes when you understand the importance of respecting others and treating them the way you want to be treated. This brings me to the discussion of colonial versus post-colonial state. India is a prime example of what post-colonial state looks like. One thing we do not have to worry about is war or conflict when pertaining to the post-colonial state. What works for one country does not mean it works for the next (Roy, 2016). India, for instance, is a true example of this statement. It appears India tried out a couple of theories that did not work for them like the "crop theory and the germ theory of colonial development" (Roy, 2016, para. 13). India started its roots in international trade before they got to where they are today (Roy, 2016). I call India the Guinea Pig colony because political people wanted to see if there would be any success by providing minimal resources then what other colonies might have. What I call minimum resources is like having a smaller government or free market which makes you wonder if they were playing with the lives of those people as they did not know that low tax per head or anything else would work but they sure took a gamble (Roy, 2016). There are many things that play into the success of India but this perhaps could have been the start of their journey.

When it pertains to Africa, colonialism plays a big part in their development. I do feel sorry for them or for any country, state, colony, etc. that has the government controlling them to the point no man has the authority or a say so in any development that takes place. The government can come in and make any changes allowing these big corporations to come in and dictate how things will run in their country (A new colonialism, 2014). I can see why Africa has no peace and is always at war with each other as I feel this is how they take back their control. "Colonialism is so strong in Africa that these changes will make it easier for big corporations to grab land in Africa and prevent the age-old farmer tradition of breeding, saving and exchanging seeds" (A new colonialism, 2014, para. 5). Yes, maybe people feel that colonialism should have driven India, but I disagree as there is nothing like a sense of peace. Not saying they did not have some struggles but I guarantee their struggles, according to what I have read, was nothing like the struggles of Africa. One thing I did notice is that other countries like Britain drew back from feeding the African government the very things that were causing them to continue making policy changes (A new colonialism, 2014). That is what you call trying to make peace with everything. They definitely were considering feels of others.

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History: Why colonialism plays a big part in the development
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