Assignment task: 2022 OSCE Proposed Critical Thinking Questions
Q1. Why choose one analgesic medication over another?
Q2. Why would you check regular medications when giving a PRN analgesic medication?
Q3. Whatwouldyoudoifthepainscoreremainedunchanged30minutespostanalgesia administration?
Q4. How would you check if your pt. had difficulty swallowing medication?
Q5. What would you do if the RN left you to administer the medication alone after checking?
Q6. What would you do if the patient tells you they have an allergy to the medication which isn't recorded?
Q7. What would you do if you didn't know the action of the medication, but the RN said there was no time to look it up?
Q8. What would you do if the patient asks you what the medication does, but you cannot remember at that moment?
Q9. What would you do if there was no valid order for pain relief?
Q10. What would you do if you were unable to easily read the medication order?