
Why are you studying an associate degree in engineering how

Your Reflective Paper should be prepared following the instructions in the Reflective Writing Guide. The complete Stage 1 Competencies for Engineering Associations are provided on Moodle.

Topics Questions Where are you now - Think about where you are in your life.

• Why are you studying an Associate Degree in Engineering?

• How did you hear about an Associate Degree, CQU's courses and why did you choose CQU?

• What difference will an Associate Degree make to you? What roles can you already fulfil - Refer to the Extract below.

• Which of these roles can you confidently undertake now and why?

• Which of these roles interest you most and why?

• Explain if an Associate Degree will or will not take your career in a different direction? What competencies do you already have - Refer to the 16 elements of the stage 1 competencies

• For each competency element, rate your current level of confidence to demonstrate this ability (0 - 100%) and explain your answer?

• For each competency element, rate them on an increasing scale of difficult to master (1 to 10) and explain your answer? What goals can you set - refer to the 16 elements of the stage 1 competencies

• What can you do to exploit the competency elements which you have the highest confidence with or believe will be the easiest to master?

• What can you do to improve your abilities in areas that you are not confident or believe will be difficult to master?

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