
Why are you interested in pursuing this project how will it

This assignment is for my Capstone Research Project. The assignement consists of two parts. The first is a proposal which expresses the ideas of what will be encapsulated in the final paper. I will need to submit the proposal "No Later Than" July 26th for approval. I have included the proposal outline below in the body of this message for your reference. Once the proposal has been accepted, then a final paper will need to be written with accompanying slides for presentation. The outline detailing what the grading criteria and overall expectations for the final paper have been attached. Since this assignment consists of two parts, whoever I handshake with to help me with this assignment will be paid for both the propsal and final paper respectively. With this being my final assignment for this degree, attention to detail is paramount. I will be more than willing to help you as much as I can as you work to complete this assignment. Once the proposal has been submitted then work on the final paper can begin.

"Early during the session preceding the one in which students intend to begin the course, they must complete the Intent Form and a proposal that describes the project. The proposal must include a description of the project, a statement of the research question, methodology (secondary and primary), stated application process for IRB, personal interest, knowledge and skills required, and potential benefits from the project. It is essential that students receive approval by the Capstone faculty member six weeks prior to the beginning of the course so that there is time to finish the project while enrolled."

Your proposal should be five-seven pages and written in APA format.

1. What is a proposed title of your project? Describe the project you have in mind. What question(s) will be answered by your research? (List and state them as questions. For example, "How can a business measure the impact of the on employee performance?

2. Why are you interested in pursuing this project? How will it benefit you?

3. How will the project benefit the field, your company, and/or another firm?

4. How will you gather information? Does it involve only extensive research from published sources? Does is also involve collecting primary data through focus groups, in-depth interviews, and/or a survey? If so, which research method will be used? How many people will be surveyed? Why will this method accomplish the research objectives?

5. What skills, knowledge, or classes are important for you to master in order to complete this project?

6. Does the project involve content in a paper that was written for another class? If so, submit a copy of the paper with this form.

Attachment:- Capstone_Research_Project_Outline.rar

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Project Management: Why are you interested in pursuing this project how will it
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