
Why are the non-validated tests so popular

Go to a site such as https://www.links2love.com/quizzes_love.htm or one of the many other online love test sites. Compare the kinds of questions/quizzes offered there to a more reputable test such as

https://www.mhhe.com/hper/health/personalhealth/labs/love/activ6-2.html or

https://webhome.idirect.com/~kehamilt/ipsylovetest.html based on Sternberg's theory.

Discuss -Why are the non-validated tests so popular, what audience they might appeal to, whether there is a "danger" involved in this type of information, and how it might impact future relationships. You can also discuss what you found surprising in your test results or what you agreed/disagreed with.

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Humanities: Why are the non-validated tests so popular
Reference No:- TGS0675193

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