Why are red blood cells important why is it possible to

1. What parts of the brain deal with the control of muscular movement? What two parts are the "highest" levels of control? What is the stretch reflex and how does it work (describe the neuronal pathway and what each neuron does)?

2. What is the difference between depolarization and an action potential? What is meant by neurons being "all or none"? Why is Ma Huang (ephedra) a dangerous drug?

3. What are some diseases of excess stimulation of the sympathetic division? Why is it called the "fight or flight" system?

4. Why are red blood cells important? Why is it possible to die as a result of having too many of them? What is blood doping (describe or give an example)?

5. What is the conduction system of the heart and how does it work?

6. What happens when you give AB+ (positive) blood to another person with A- (negative) blood? Explain the problems associated with Rh incompatibility in blood types with a mother and her baby?

7. Compare taking blood pressure with taking heart rate. What does each one show you about the heart? Why do we do EKG's and what arrhythmia is the most dangerous?

8. Compare and contrast heart attacks from heart failure. What is one treatment for heart disease (include a description including cost).

9. What is a heart murmur and how does it interfere with blood flow?

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Biology: Why are red blood cells important why is it possible to
Reference No:- TGS01508522

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