
Why are political institutions difficult to change


Answer one set of essays questions from Part I and one set of essay questions from Part 2. Answers are to be 2 to 3 double-spaced pages each and uploaded to Canvas. Cite all sources including the textbook and PowerPoint lectures.

Part I

1. Why are political institutions difficult to change? Why and how did the Framers try to make the Constitution difficult to amend?

2. What was the framers' main motivation for developing a federal system of government? Why did they choose it over a unitary model?

Part II

1. Discuss congressional rules and norms. How to the norms and rules differ between the House and Senate? Which house is driven more by norms? Which house is driven more by rules?

2. What is the difference between Civil Liberties and Civil Rights? Discuss in detail how both have changed over time. Specifically, discuss the role the Supreme Court has played in these developments over history.

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History: Why are political institutions difficult to change
Reference No:- TGS03188102

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