Why are organizations different even when they offer the

In this course, you will write five papers. Each assignment paper will include a minimum of 1,000 words (3 or more pages) in APA format. This does not include the cover page or bibliography pages. However, be sure to include a cover page and bibliography page(s) and respond to questions pertaining to one or more topics that have been covered in this module. You are expected to research the topics in the assignment using the online library and reference peer-reviewed journals as well as material from the text, which we have discussed. Use two outside references-both should be from authored sources and one should be from a peer-reviewed source, such as the Harvard Business Review or the Journal of Organizational Behavior.

The principles of organizational design are developed at the organizational level. One of the most difficult topics in this course is organizational design. Through this activity, you will gain a better understanding of the functioning of your organizational environment in terms of performance expectations and social support.

The principles of organizational design are developed at the organizational level. One of the most difficult topics in this course is organizational design. Through this activity, you will gain a better understanding of the functioning of your organizational environment in terms of performance expectations and social support.

Write a paper to include the following:

Why are organizations different even when they offer the same goods or services?

Do you feel that you do or do not fit in your present work or school organization? Give reasons for your statements.

Have you considered your reactions to these different work "climates"?

Be sure to answer each question using a subheading for each question.

Then, complete the exercise Analyzing Your Organization's Design, which is on pages 472-473 of your textbook. Write a short evaluation of the design of your organization-work or school. In your evaluation, include the following:

Was the scoring on the performance management context what you expected?

Was the scoring on the social support context what you expected?

How has this activity clarified your understanding of your work environment?

See the Course Calendar for the due date.

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click "Upload Submission." Enter the submission title and then click on "Select a file to upload." Browse your computer, and select your file. Click "Open" and verify the correct file name has appeared next to Submission File. Click on "Continue." Confirm submission is correct and then click on "Accept Submission & Save."

This course has Turnitin fully integrated into the course dropbox. This means that you should only submit your assignments to the dropbox below. Please do not submit your assignment directly to Turnitin.com.

Once submitted, your assignment will be evaluated by Turnitin® automatically. You will be able to view an Originality Report within minutes of your first submission that will show how much of your work has been identified as similar to other sources such as websites, textbooks, or other student papers. Use your Originality Report as a learning tool to identify areas of your assignment that you may not have cited appropriately. You may resubmit your assignment through this dropbox as many times as you need to check to see if you have made improvements, until the due date of the assignment. However, once you have made your first submission, you will need to wait 24 hours after each subsequent submission to receive a new Originality Report. Plan accordingly as you draft your assignment. Once the due date has passed, your assignment submission will be considered final.


This assignment will be graded using the Short Paper Rubric located on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here section of the course. Please review the rubric prior to beginning your work so that you ensure your submission meets the criteria in place for this assignment. This assignment is worth 50% of your final course grade.

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Dissertation: Why are organizations different even when they offer the
Reference No:- TGS02814361

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