Assignment: Muslims and Muslim Americans
The final will be a comprehensive final, covering all materials presented and assigned in this course which includes books, articles, class presentations, lectures, and videos or films.
Length: 6 pages, double spaced, 1 inch borders with Times New Roman 12pt font.
Format: No less than 6 pages, double-spaced, Times Roman 12, with full bibliography.
Question: Why are Muslims "despised" in America? What is it about how we socially construct Muslims and Islam that leads to prejudices and discrimination against Muslims? What historical events have contributed to this negative social construction (historical foundations)? What other manifestations and sources. Present contrary evidence to deconstruct this view of Muslims and Islam (cite all your work)! Touch on overall views of Islam/Muslims, history, media representation, Islamophobia industry, cultural and regional differences (misogyny and violence attribute to Islam), jihad, and western opinions and interpretations of Islam.