
Why are large veins called capacitance vessels


A. What are the different types of capillaries? What are their characteristics and where are they found?
B. Where does gas exchange and nutrient transport occur?
C. What vessels are the smallest?
D. Where is blood pressure the highest and lowest?
E. Where is blood volume the highest?
F. Why are large veins called capacitance vessels?
G. What influences blood pressure?
H. What are arteries?
I. What are the types of arteries?
J. How do blood vessels help to regulate temperature?
K. What determine the direction of fluid flow between capillaries and tissues?
L. How do veins return blood to the heart?
M. What is hypertension? How would you know someone has it?
N. Describe the hepatic portal system.
O. What is blood pressure and how is it written?

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Biology: Why are large veins called capacitance vessels
Reference No:- TGS03331079

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