
Why are holistic approaches to teaching important for

Topic: Why is art an important component of a culture?

Essay Proposal Outline

The essay proposal is comprised of the following three components:

First Component:
One page, single-spaced summary of what your essay will cover. This summary MUST include:
- Your research question
o Example: Why are holistic approaches to teaching important for Indigenous student learners?
- Your thesis statement regarding that essay question
o Example: Holistic approaches to teaching enhance Indigenous student learner outcomes by emphasizing teacher and Elder collaboration, cultural values and language example use, and providing hands on engagement of the student in the classroom.
o Thesis statement - review this link for how to do so https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/01/

- A long paragraph explaining how you will support the thesis statement with the three sources you have annotated (you reference those sources in the text but the annotations are separate - see part 2)

o Cite those sources in your essay proposal according to the Canadian Anthropology Society citation guidelines

Second Component:
Three annotated sources (1-2 pages single-spaced, depending on the length of your annotations)
a. You must provide three annotated sources, and a minimum of one paragraph per source, with page references given.
b. Do not merely copy the abstract of a journal article - read it - yes we will check!
c. Cite the page numbers you quote or paraphrase from in your annotation
d. Below I provide a sample annotation for your information

Munroe, Elizabeth Ann, Lisa Lunney Borden, Anne Murray Orr, Denise Toney, and Jane Meader
2013 Decolonizing Aboriginal Education in the 21st century. McGill Journal of Education 48(2):317-338.

Traditional Aboriginal education has emphasized the maintenance of cultural identity while achieving formal education, using traditional knowledge as a complex blend of oral, practical and symbolic ways of learning that are tied to the land and the culture (Munroe et al 2013: 320-322). Today's Western curriculum must develop competencies in creativity, innovation, collaboration and technological skills, and students will develop these "...when they are engaging with a topic of some significance to them and to the world." (Munroe et al 2013: 324). Both Western and Aboriginal learning systems, then, call for education of context and interconnection of all things and to emphasize creativity and innovation and holistic approaches to learning embodied in web of relationships (Munroe et al, 2013: 325-326).

Two Mi'kmaw community-based education systems are particularly relevant here:

Example 1: Grade 2 science in Mi'kmaw Immersion merging Indigenous and European knowing - might be planting an orange and gluing Mi'kmaw translations over English text, but hold it in value.
Example 2: Children learn about Pi by making traditional quill boxes through ‘three and a thumb' (Munroe et al, 2013: 329-330).

Third Component - Other formatting features:
- Assignment is to be in 12 pt Times New Roman Font, single spaced
- Insert page numbers at bottom of page
- Keep assignment left-side justified only
- Do not insert pictures or anything else into this assignment, just text
- Staple assignment in top corner - no duotangs, clips or other binding measures accepted - no exceptions will be made

Order of the Essay Proposal

Cover Page (top sheet)

Summary Page (next sheet)
Research Question:
(space in between)
Thesis Statement:

(two spaces)


Annotations: (next sheet or two, depending on the length of your annotations)

• Put in alphabetical order by author's last name

Two pages+cover, single space

Attachment:- Sample and Template for Proposal.rar

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Essay Writing: Why are holistic approaches to teaching important for
Reference No:- TGS02165220

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