
Why are airlines no longer held to strict liability standard


• Why are airlines no longer held to a strict liability standard?

• Why is it important to distinguish between property damage and economic loss?

• What is the difference between a design defect and a manufacturing defect?

• How might the defective warning theory be used in relationship to a drug that is determined to have potentially harmful side effects?

• Why might a plaintiff opt for a warranty rather than a strict liability claim?

• What is the reasoning behind holding employers vicariously liable for the acts of their employees?

• Name two circumstances in which an employer is not vicariously liable for the acts of an employee.

• If an employee is involved in an accident while driving a company car, why might the employer not be able to sue the other driver involved in the accident if the rule of contributory negligence is applicable?

• What is the significance of two or more tortfeasors being found jointly and severally liable?

• Under what circumstances might a punitive damage award be unconstitutional?

• What two conflicting objectives dominate discussions of joint and several liability?

• What is the difference between an actual cash value policy and a replacement cost policy?

• Under what circumstances might it be appropriate to bring a declaratory judgment action?

• Who administers workers' compensation in our state?

• Why is there often a delay in resolving claims?

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Reference No:- TGS03319883

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