
Why any organization should conduct a swot analysis

Discussion Problem: SWOT Analyses

Please note that all articles for weekly discussions must be current scholarly articles (published in the past 5 to 7 years) that will assist you in your research. In addition, you will need to find at least FOUR scholarly articles for this discussion to support your thoughts. You should have at least two scholarly articles for the strengths and weaknesses, and at least two scholarly articles for the opportunities and threats.

No books can be used, only current scholarly journals that are labelled academic, peer-reviewed, or refereed journals. To receive credit for this discussion, all of your references must align with in-text citations and be complete with all information (i.e., authors, date, title, source) to include the DOI or the URL. This will help faculty retrieve the source to determine if the source meets the requirements of the submission. Each paragraph must have at least 5 to 6 academic sentences with at least 2 or more current scholarly sources (past 5 to 7 years). Review the rubric below.

We need to study many factors for organizational success, both internally and externally. For internal factors, we will study the strengths and weaknesses within the organization and the external factors in order to look at the opportunities and threats imposed upon our organizations. Researching these factors will help us stay ahead of competition (i.e., compete, survive) by modifying strategies that our organizations operate. As a result, there are many processes to analyze to build a strategic plan to meet our mission and goals as well as the future landscape (i.e., vision), improve operations and productivity, while remaining relatable to our customers.

In this discussion, you will start with describing what is a SWOT analysis and then why any organization should conduct a SWOT analysis with supporting evidence. Then you will identify a total of 20 factors that could impact your organization both internally and externally. The internal factors will consist of five (5) strengths and five (5) weaknesses; in addition, external factors will consist of five (5) opportunities and five (5) threats. The following are my ten internal factors (i.e., 5 strengths, 5 weaknesses) and ten external factors (i.e., 5 opportunities, 5 threats). In addition, you will complete the SWOT table that is embedded in this discussion below, which is in APA format (see Table 1).

For this discussion, after you write your narrative regarding what a SWOT analysis is and then why it is important to conduct a SWOT analysis, you will then refer to Table 1 (see Table 1) by listing your 20 factors. You will only list the factors in Table 1, as you will discuss these factors in detail in your assignment one.


List of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat Factors

No attachments for any discussions, so please submit in the text box area.

No generative artificial intelligence can be used as sources for discussions to include no use of Grammarly or any other platform that modifies and content and sources.

No Secondary Sources, No Direct Quotes, No Bullets, No Abbreviations, No Acronyms, and No Contractions are allowed. You are responsible for your full interpretation of the content with the understanding that every paragraph must have at a minimum of 5 to 6 academic sentences with 2 or more current scholarly articles (past 5 to 7 years) to validate your claims. Your response should be a minimum of 350 words and should address the full discussion requirements; do not minimize your response. There is no need to respond to any of your colleagues for this discussion. Review the attached rubric.

You will be graded on the following Rubric information:

Responses to Initial Discussions:

Responses to discussion questions are expected to be comprehensive, well organized, and well written. They must demonstrate familiarity with the material covered (i.e., assigned readings, scholarly sources), ability to explicate ideas discussed (e.g., clear presentation of key terms and ideas), and interpretation and application of the material in relevant contexts (i.e., how the ideas relate to concrete situations in today's environments). Your initial submission must be in depth with a required minimum of 350 words. Points will be deducted if the word count is not met.

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Other Subject: Why any organization should conduct a swot analysis
Reference No:- TGS03436709

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