
Why andrew is facing information overload

Assignment task: Andrew is a sales manager at a large multinational company which provides transportation services to mining companies around the world. He has been in the job for only two months and is very stressed trying to learn the requirements of his role. In the job he receives a large amount of information from a wide variety of sources and from many of the company's overseas offices. He must analyse the information and prepare numerous reports for senior managers on a weekly basis. Much of this information is complicated because it contains technical and financial information which Andrew finds difficult to understand because it is not his area of expertise. Also, Andrew is required to have regular meetings with managers from overseas offices to develop the sales strategy. Many of these managers have differing views about how the sales department should be managed.

In addition to this, Andrew receives a large number of emails each day as well as text messages on his smartphone and computer. Andrew often feels stressed and not in control of his day and feels that his work is suffering because he is making rushed decisions which sometimes turn out to be wrong.

Discuss three (3) causes of why Andrew is facing information overload.

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Other Management: Why andrew is facing information overload
Reference No:- TGS03367641

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