
why and how the state should intervene through

Why and how the State should intervene through government apparatusin the economic sphere of the country, has been a significant discourse in economicsfor long. According to one theory, institutions of State and private property(following which, market) came into being simultaneously. Though this theory isn'taccepted it appears very plausible that State undertook to protect private property(along with life of its citizens) and charged fees for service in terms of a proportion ofproduce, which was largely agricultural corn so that it could support its protectiveforce. Though later on, as economy of a society developed in terms of commodificationof goods, its State presumed the charge to regulate some of its economic activities orsome aspects of many activities, such as standardization of weights and measures andcoinage. Still later, State intervened in commodity market by taxing or/and subsidizing different commodities with a view to impacting on (augmenting orreducing)their demands and supplies if they weren't, in its perception, in congruence withsocietal interest. Later, one finds that many community-oriented welfare activitieswere also presumed by State directly or through its subsidiaries.

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Public Economics: why and how the state should intervene through
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