
Why airlines cut safety corners in light of protecting


Air Carriers is the topic: Research an air incident that was considered to be the airlines fault because of safety violations. Give the details of the cases and the url for the case (only include the url at the end of the post). Lastly, give your opinion of why airlines cut safety corners in light of protecting their employees.

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Please post more than 2 reply responses of 100 or more words to your classmates or the instructor. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions.

Here is your post: Air Carriers

Since the advent of the air-plane as a means of air transport, humans have experienced some of the worst disasters. For a case in point, the AirAsia flight QZ8501 that unfortunately crashed into the Java Sea left many unanswered questions as they relate to flight safety. This air accident that happened in December 2008 led to the death of all the 162 people who were on board.

As the investigations into the crash of this plane kicked off, it was established that poor operating procedures as well as inadequate safety standards largely contributed towards the crash of this plane (Morrow, 2015).

The Indonesia National Weather Monitor came out and stated that the ill-fated flight lacked the latest weather report which are vital before a pilot can take-off. In addition to that, the plane which was to take off at 5:35 am from Surabaya International Airport postponed its journey two hours later and ignored the violent storm that was looming by (Morrow, 2015).

This forms one of the main safety precautions that were overlooked by the pilots. Further to that, was the information released by the Indonesia Authorities that showed the flight was not given the permission to fly the Surabaya to Singapore route on the precise day that the crash occurred (Morrow, 2015).

As the air transport seeks to increase the safety of their flights so does the issue of cutting corners become even more pronounced. Here, many of the air accidents including the AirAsia flight QZ8501 were found to have cut corners in a number of ways. One has been the practice imposed upon the engineers to overwork as a result of many of the staff being cut off from the system. In addition to that, the use of many airplane parts has been used within and even past their usable lifetime.


Morrow, M., (2015). Evidence Mounts of Safety Violations Contributing to AirAsia Plane Crash. World Socialist Web Site.

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Microeconomics: Why airlines cut safety corners in light of protecting
Reference No:- TGS02008129

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