
Why actions of the environmental activists ethical


Q: At a lumber mill workers were being injured when the band saw was knocked off the pulleys by metal spikes driven into the trees. Local ecological activists had driven these metal spikes into the trees to make the lumber company stop logging in a specific area. In response, the company ran the trees past a scanner to look for metal. This prevented the men from being injured. So, the activists drilled holes in the live trees and poured concrete into them. The scanners could not pick up the concrete and men began getting hurt again.

Were the actions of the environmental activists ethical? Why or why not?

What would you do if you were the owner and why?

In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates' post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:

Responding to the ideas or details of someone else's responses.

Taking a concept from the reading and applying it to life, to the reading itself, to your work, or to the questions you're asked to answer.

Helping a peer understand a concept from the reading.

Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.

Asking questions on points you need help understanding.

Explaining why you answered a question in a specific way.

Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.

Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.

Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.

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Other Subject: Why actions of the environmental activists ethical
Reference No:- TGS02038287

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