Why a company would want to make its product sustainable


i. Select a major global industry, such as health care, food, transportation and electronic products. Analyze why a company would want to make its product sustainable? Does this increase or decrease consumer need? How does this impact costs/economic considerations? Are there any ethical considerations to be considered in a green marketing campaign for the product?

ii. A small local garden company which supplies both consumer and landscaping materials is considering implementing sustainable practices related to the products, chemicals and machinery use. What are some advantages and disadvantages for a consumer/economic view regarding this type of company, when implementing a sustainable business plan? Do the economic costs outweigh the potential consumer attraction? Consider financial, ethical, social, legal, and practical aspects of business. Could indirect green marketing be used? Provide specific examples to support your answers.

The response should include a reference list. One-inch margins, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space and APA style of writing and citations.

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Marketing Management: Why a company would want to make its product sustainable
Reference No:- TGS03035065

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