Economics Assignment
• 400 words; to use all the bolded key concepts highlighted in the question.
Watch this video: "What to Do about Immigration: Full Debate" - LearnLiberty-
- Whose side do you find yourself leaning to? Why?
- What is the impact on the demand for U.S. resources (land, labor - skilled vs. unskilled, capital) when supply of immigration is reduced?
United Kingdom voters decided to exit from the European Union on June 23rd 2016. Read this article for the details: BREXIT - The People and Arguments: For and Against. Do focus/reread the section on immigration.
a) Do YOU think a similar situation is brewing in the United States with respect to shifting immigration policies? Why or Why not?
b) How do YOU see this surprising event/outcome affected the 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections discussions in your family, workplace, friends, etc.